Friday, June 27, 2014

Another day in sunny Colorado

The mountains are still dusted with snow. Breckenridge is in the background. We rode this trail on the 2013 Yoga Retreat☀️


Sunday, June 22, 2014

Onward to Colorado

On the road at last.  

As promised I'm going to try to keep this blog going while we are on our journey.
I'm not much of a computer person so the learning curve has been please bear with me!   Thank goodness spell check works on blogging :-)

The blog is named after a favorite sanskrit word "Santosha" which means 'contentment'.   Everywhere you look these days you see ads on seeking happiness... I think I'd rather be content than happy.   We can be content even when things are not going the way we want them to, or even when life has thrown us an unexpected curve ball.  Contentment doesn't depend on circumstances (like happiness often does), it's a frame of mind.  
 Did anyone spot Bozo on the bike?  He is following me to remind me that we are all Bozo's on the bus (story to follow, if you haven't heard the Bozo story).

Left The Woodlands Thursday headed for Maryneal Texas to spend the night with Kathy Dickson on her beautiful ranch. 
Communed with wild turkeys, a snake, family of raccoons and beautiful baby birds in flight school while on the ranch....and lots of other wild things!  It's invigorating to be in nature.
Sweet Kathy Dickson, friend, confidante and wonderful human being!

Onward to Salida, Colorado via Taos, New Mexico.  In Taos visited the Mabel Dodge Luhan house as a possible location for our next yoga retreat in 2015.   Mabel was quite a woman!
Salida is one of my favorite places to visit.  The Arkansas River runs right through the historic small town.  My yoga friend Jane Carpenter lives and teaches yoga in Salida.  She and her partner Jim treated us to a room at the historic Palace Hotel.  It was lovely!
I joined Jane for yoga on Thursday morning....ahhhh.   Santosha!

Arrived in Frisco Thursday.  Checked into our place....a look out the back door only to see the entire deck ripped out and caution tape across the doors.  :-(  I start to notice how I'm letting small things ruin my peace of mind.  I remind myself of my commitment to santosha, no matter the circumstances.  Believe me it's not automatic yet (wishful thinking) but I'm in it for the journey.... the long haul.  After all it's a practice to continually remind ourselves that everything is okay as it is.   I don't need a finished deck to be content.  Ahhh

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Trust the deeper wisdom

Leaving The Woodlands this morning. Feeling a bit nostalgic, but looking forward to the adventure that lies ahead.
What is your hearts deepest longing?

Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Monday, June 9, 2014

Well, it was a  sweet party!  Thanks for joining me at the Hyatt last Friday evening.   Thanks to Jane and Dabney for indulging me for this "selfie".  Jane you look angelic :-)

This is my 'test' for the blog to see if I can successfully add a photo.  

A week from today we'll be packing up the gator ready for our Tuesday departure.  Seems strange when I realize I won't be here again for at least a year.  I've lived here for 20 years and never been away longer than a month.  Last time that happened was when I left for college...we won't go into how long ago that's been.  Suffice it to say I have some happy thoughts about this leaving and some sad ones too.  Life is so full of uncertainties and this is one of them.  I'll miss so much of what I'm leaving behind, I'm so excited about what I'm going to find.  It's the paradox again Paula!

Wednesday, June 4, 2014