Monday, June 9, 2014

Well, it was a  sweet party!  Thanks for joining me at the Hyatt last Friday evening.   Thanks to Jane and Dabney for indulging me for this "selfie".  Jane you look angelic :-)

This is my 'test' for the blog to see if I can successfully add a photo.  

A week from today we'll be packing up the gator ready for our Tuesday departure.  Seems strange when I realize I won't be here again for at least a year.  I've lived here for 20 years and never been away longer than a month.  Last time that happened was when I left for college...we won't go into how long ago that's been.  Suffice it to say I have some happy thoughts about this leaving and some sad ones too.  Life is so full of uncertainties and this is one of them.  I'll miss so much of what I'm leaving behind, I'm so excited about what I'm going to find.  It's the paradox again Paula!


  1. It was a wonderful party and I can't let myself be sad because I'm too excited to hear all of your adventures! (You will be so missed!) A blog is an awesome idea...and look, you got that picture posted! Love always, my dear friend and mentor.

  2. Great party! I'll miss you -- make sure you post often!! XO

  3. We will miss you like crazy, but one year will fly, and we will be here with our arms open to hug you when you come back. All of us... plus one baby! :-) LOVE YOU
