Sunday, July 13, 2014

Along with hiking and biking I've been playing golf here in the mountains.  Love these mountain courses and have enjoyed playing with the Ladies Golf Group at Keystone.
On Friday, I got to meet Nancy Lopez at a clinic she offered at Keystone.  She has a home here and when she's in town she offers free clinics.  She is to women's golf what Arnold Palmer is to mens golf.  She was humorous, warm, entertaining and authentic.....what a sweet serendipitous surprise it was to meet her.
And of course, I couldn't resist taking a "selfie" with her!

We gathered at our place for dinner with our friends from Summit County.....Bill, Michele, Trudy and Marsha and our friends Cindy, Steve and Kevin Gray from The Woodlands joined us.  

Life is good and having wonderful friends makes it so much sweeter!   I miss all my peeps in Texas and hope you are all happy and well.


  1. Glad you're having such a great time! How cool to meet a golf great! Keep those posts coming...we're hanging on your every word! XO

  2. WOW! Meeting a golf great and playing together. Sweet. Hey, I know Cindy Grey though our neighbors, Tim and Sue. She's a hoot. Love seeing all your updates! Love the pics!
