Friday, October 24, 2014

"Everything in your life is there as a vehicle for your transformation. Use it!" ~Ram Dass

This quote from Ram Dass puts everything in perspective! When we view everything in our lives as an opportunity to learn something about ourselves we act from a place of equanimity.... embrace everything life gives you.  
Yesterday I happened to see a program on PBS that touched me deeply called "Trial by Fire". It's about burn victims and their lives after their body has healed. The people on the program had suffered some of the most horrific pain imaginable and through the process they realized an important lesson in life .... rather than focusing and defining themselves on what happened to them, they celebrate that they are alive. You are alive ....... don't take that for granted.

I'm having a wonderful adventure, so much to be grateful for......

Love the multitude of chickens here.....

 I think this guys likes me.  He keeps following me around.....chickens are everywhere on the island!  I love being awakened by their crowing at the crack of dawn each morning.  What a wonderful alarm cock :-)

 Organic fruits and vegetables are plentiful.
Fresh from the market today was organic celery, grapes, mango and a red bell pepper.....all for just $37.53!   Seriously....I'm eating well.

Neighbors share their bounty with us...leaving us banana's, avocado's (lots of huge avo's), oranges, limes, lemons, etc on my that!
One brought me organic tofu yesterday :-)

We rarely eat out, love to prepare our meals at the house and watch the sunset over Hanalei Bay.
Outside the Kauai Pilates studio there's a beautiful pond filled with lotus flowers....a reminder each time I step inside of the beauty that surrounds me.

The women in Pilates and yoga classes here are a lot of fun...I've made many new friends.

Thankful that hurricane Ana skirted the island last weekend. That was the 3rd hurricane scare we've had since we arrived. The waves were incredible....couldn't believe my eyes when I spotted surfers out in the ocean......!

This picture is from 2005 Dahlonega Yoga Retreat!  You might recognize some of those faces.....Yep, that's Paulette Lapham in a handstand in the park in downtown Dahlonega!   We will be returning to Dahlonega in August 2015 for our next retreat!  If you'd like information, please contact me at

Remember not to take anything too personal.  Everyone is doing the best that they can...forgive easily, love wholeheartedly and speak softly.
With peace,

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